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Collective Noun

Textual Credit: InternetPDF & WORD Document: Shri Subrata Kumar Dutta Collective Noun:A collective noun is a naming word used to refer to a group or number of animals, people or things. A collective noun is a word or phrase that… Read More »Collective Noun


Parts of Speech: Noun

Teacher: Anonymous NOUNName of anything like person, animal, place, thing, abstract, idea, action, state or quality is called Noun. যেকোন ব্যাক্তি, প্রাণী, বস্তু, ভাব, ভাবনা, কাজ, অবস্থান, দোষ-গুণ, ইত্যাদির নামকে Noun বলে। Examples:Maria, Girl, Delhi, Book, Teacher, Water, Honesty, Happiness,… Read More »Parts of Speech: Noun

